PR Pros Plan for Crisis

Scandals, accidents, major mistakes, natural disasters – companies can face a crisis at any time. Nobody wants a crisis, of course, but smart PR professionals plan for them. That way, the company can respond quickly and truthfully. During any crisis, protecting the company’s integrity and reputation is always the primary overall goal.

So, what’s the plan? First, take responsibility. Ignoring a crisis will not make it go away – and denying involvement, especially when social media will spread opinions and falsities as quickly as facts, is bad for business. Get in front of the problem early and present a solution. This will minimize damage for both external and internal audiences. (Remember, employees and their families are impacted during a crisis, too.)

Before a crisis even happens, you should have a crisis communication team in place that includes company officials, lawyers, and PR personnel. You can add senior managers from relevant divisions, as well as eyewitnesses, as needed. Also, designate a member of the team to be the primary spokesperson, who will be the face and voice of the company throughout the crisis.

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